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【LIVEON 服用方式】







Enzogenol 松树醇,SOD Extramel 超氧化物歧化酶,Sirtmax 黑姜黄提取物,Puredia SeaBerry 沙棘






与多个世界顶级研发公司合作:Enzo Nutraceuticals、Bionov、Puredia & Tokiwa Phytochemical

Liveon 抗糖飲

價格自 HK$700.00
  • 我們接受 Visa,MasterCard,American Express,Union Pay,貨到付款 

  • Fibersol-2 (Resistant Maltodextrin) 1.05g/20ml, Kiwi Juice Powder, Mangosteen Juice Powder Mulverry Juice Concentrate, Vitamin C, ENZOGENOL® Pine Bark Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Acai Berry Extract, Gaint Knotweed Extract, Grape Seed Extract, SOD Extramel® (Melon Fruit Concentrate Cucumis melo L.), Sirtmax Black Turmeric Extract, Puredia seaberry, Omega Powder(Sea Buckthorn Extract), Green Tea Extract.)

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